Comfort & expertise

Personal Injury

If you have suffered personal injury, whether as a result of a road traffic incident, accident at work, or in a public place, or another accidental injury, you may be eligible for compensation. If so, we can help you get the best possible result in the fastest possible time, with the minimum of fuss, disturbance and distress to you.

Even if you are not sure whether or not you have a valid claim, we are always happy to hear from you to discuss your circumstances and help clarify the options available. All initial consultations are free of charge and without obligation, we can discuss any enquiry over the telephone or offer appointments at our Telford, Shrewsbury, Wolverhampton or Wem office.

 With over thirty years of experience in dealing with personal injury claims, Martin Kaye Solicitors’ Personal Injury team are here to help. Over the years, our efficient, professional and friendly staff have won millions of pounds in compensation for thousands of clients.

Comfort & expertise
Personal Injury Services

At Martin Kaye Solicitors, we have an expert team of Personal Injury Solicitors who are ready to support you every step of the way. With offices conveniently located in Telford, Shrewsbury, Wolverhampton, and Wem, we’re here to provide the legal expertise you need to secure the outcome you deserve.

For more information contact us today on 0800 975 6066 or email

Most of our personal injury claims are handled on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis. We are pleased to offer a free, initial consultation either face-to-face or over the telephone, whichever suits you best.  Read more >

If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a road traffic accident, be it in a car, on a motorcycle, a bicycle or as a pedestrian and it was someone else’s fault, you may have a compensation claim.   Read more >

Work accident compensation is recoverable, provided that it can be proved that someone else is at fault. This may be your employer, a fellow employee or another organisation or contractor working at your place of work. Read more >

Anyone who is responsible for running, managing or maintaining a public area has a legal obligation to ensure that visitors will be reasonably safe in using their premises.  Read more >

Sadly, the statistics to motorcycle accidents do not make pleasant reading. Three quarters of motorcycle accidents involve a collision with another vehicle, which is usually a car. In two thirds of those accidents, the motorcyclist was not at fault. Read more >

We have a great deal of experience in dealing with claims involving children. Claims on behalf of children are brought through an adult (usually the mother or farther), who become known as a ‘Litigation Friend’.  Read more >