Comfort & expertise


Our main aim is to resolve disputes. By this, we mean that wherever possible, our preferred route is to try to keep our clients out of court by addressing the disputed issues between the parties through negotiation and mediation – both of which have a proven track record as faster and less expensive options.

However, there are times where the preferred route may not be possible and we have to commence a court action to enforce your claim or protect your rights. If this becomes necessary, we will be upfront and open in terms of your prospects of success, how long it will take and the cost to you. We should stress that we are flexible about costs and in some cases, we may be willing to proceed on a conditional or no win, no fee basis.

Our experienced team can offer advice in the following areas:

  • Boundary and neighbour disputes
  • Financial Ombudsman Awards
  • Landlord and tenant
  • Sale of goods and supply of services issues
  • Professional negligence
  • Tradesman disputes
  • Warranty issues
  • IT and intellectual property disputes
  • Inheritance disputes
  • Debt recovery

If you would like to discuss a claim involving any of the above, or possibly a claim against you, please contact us in order to assess the case and discuss prospects.

For more information, please contact Tatenda Mugadza on 01952 272222 or