Claiming for Personal Injury After Tripping

Sam Azzopardi-Tudor

Personal Injury Law Blog

The Personal Injury Team at Martin Kaye Solicitors have decades of experience and have won millions for thousands of clients.

At Martin Kaye Solicitors, we regularly deal with claims where people have fallen, as a result of a defective pavement, road or defects on private land.

These types of claims can be against the local council or private landowners. Local councils will rely on standard defences to deny liability for these types of claims. They will argue that they have regularly inspected the location and the defect was not present at their last inspection or they have not received any reports of the defect which would have made them aware of its presence. These claims are difficult for this reason, so it’s vital to gain evidence to support your claim by doing the following:

  • Take photographs of the defect and surrounding area. The photos should include some measurement with them; ideally with the length, width and depth shown. (It’s useful to use a 50p piece to show how big the defect is). Take photographs close up and in its surrounding area so the location can be identified. Mark on the photograph the direction of travel.
  • Ensure that you note the location of the accident. Are there any properties nearby? Make a note of the addresses near the location.
  • If there is a witness, or more than one witness, take down their details. It is best to contact eye witnesses early in a claim as their memories can fade over time. If the defect is within a local authority, check with a local resident to see how long the defect has been there for, or if it has been reported to the local authority.
  • It is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible for your injuries.
  • The accident must have happened within the last three years to be eligible to seek compensation. If you were under the age of eighteen when the accident occurred then the three years starts on your eighteenth birthday.

Remember that the more evidence that can be gained at the beginning of the claim in support, the better it will be for the claim to be successful. Martin Kaye Solicitors are happy to assist with any personal injury claim, whether that be in a road accident, an accident at work, a motorcycle accident, injuries to children or an accident in a public area. We will help you get the best possible result in the fastest possible time, with the minimum of fuss, disturbance and distress to you. Please get in touch with the team for a free consultation and without obligation at or 0845 644 6378.