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Although the budget of 2006 restricted the benefits of certain trusts, they still have an important role in future planning and inheritance tax mitigation.

The procedures differ between the person that dies leaving a Will and the person who dies ‘intestate’ (ie without a Will). Where there is a Will, it is the role of the Executor to make an application for a Grant of Probate. Where there is no Will the Administrator will apply for Letters of Administration.

Trusts are a very useful legal way of giving your money, property or shares to others whilst ensuring that you, or others that you trust (hence the name) retain some control over what happens to those assets. They are frequently used to avoid paying unnecessary Inheritance Tax or for helping to solve long term family situations such as giving money to children or grandchildren but at an age when they can be considered responsible.

A Trust can be created whilst you are alive or alternatively on death within your Will. Trusts can be an effective tool in estate planning if used in the right way and at the right time. It is however a complex area and one where you should seek advice. We have successfully created a significant amount of Trusts and would be happy to discuss your own individual situation.

For more information please contact Jemma Blake who is a Solicitor on 01952 272222 or fill in the form on our Contact Page: